
There are many other whois protection services in the United States and around the globe, however what makes PrivyWhois outstanding among them is the fact that unlike all of them we are not affiliated with any domain name registrar. You can have your domain name(s) registered ANYWHERE you like and still be using our whois protection service for only $1.99 a year!

We have compiled factual information for you, as a potential customer, to make an intelligent decision. The table below presents quotes pulled from the websites of leading domain name registrars which also offer whois protection services.

Comparison Chart

Company Private Whois/year Proof link
HostGator $12.95 view $11.00 view $8.99 view $8.99 view $8.99 view $8.99 view
GoDaddy $7.99 view $4.99 view Protect your personal information for only $1.99 a year!

And please remember that if you post some nice message about PrivyWhois on your active personal blog or an established public discussion board, then we will refund your payment in full and you get completely free whois protection service for the next 12 months.